Sellers Dozen
Motherhood and Lifestyle
Influencer | Content Creator

Christmas with The Sellers Dozen
Everybody has a little Homebody in them! Be a HOMEBODY with the Bradley Bunch this summer season and support the local school district's ability to provide food, wheelchair accessible play areas, school supplies, backpacks, and additional support services for low-income students. $10 from every shirt, hat and tote sale and $12 from every sweatshirt will go directly to the school. Additional donations are available and 100% will be given to the school. Join us for your back to school shopping!
The Sellers Dozen -
New Baby Arrival!
Everybody has a little Homebody in them! Be a HOMEBODY with the Bradley Bunch this summer season and support the local school district's ability to provide food, wheelchair accessible play areas, school supplies, backpacks, and additional support services for low-income students. $10 from every shirt, hat and tote sale and $12 from every sweatshirt will go directly to the school. Additional donations are available and 100% will be given to the school. Join us for your back to school shopping!

When they began their content creation journey in October 2023, they couldn't have imagined how much they would achieve in just a year and a half. Channeling their creativity into this endeavor has transformed their lives, and they are grateful to the over 1.5 million people who have chosen to join them on this path.
The Sellers Dozen -
Fruit Of The Spirit
Everybody has a little Homebody in them! Be a HOMEBODY with the Bradley Bunch this summer season and support the local school district's ability to provide food, wheelchair accessible play areas, school supplies, backpacks, and additional support services for low-income students. $10 from every shirt, hat and tote sale and $12 from every sweatshirt will go directly to the school. Additional donations are available and 100% will be given to the school. Join us for your back to school shopping!
Discover the world of The Sellers Dozen.
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Mom of ten | Expecting twins
Homeschool Teacher | Speaker